Core curriculum
Core curriculum classes at SCYM are scheduled to match school term dates, where possible. Core curriculum covers instrumental and vocal ensemble coaching in at least one ensemble, a musicianship class and choir. It also includes masterclasses and workshops from visiting artists, including those from the adjoining Saffron Hall.
Our fees are reviewed annually.
If three ensembles or classes are taken the fee is £310 a term or £930 for the year
If four or more ensembles or classes are taken the fee is £350 per term or £1,050 for the year.
Ensemble only
An option for young musicians who may choose to play in one or more ensembles only, and no choir or musicianship class.
1 ensemble 45 minutes is £13 per week or £130 per term
1 ensemble 60 minutes is £16 per week or £160 per term
2 ensembles is £25 per week or £250 per term
Jazz only ensemble with Miguel Gorodi (1.5 hrs) is £17.50 per week or £175 per term
Kodaly classes
Price: The cost per child for a 30 minute class is £10.00, or £100 per term.
Instrument lessons
We offer 1:1 instrument lessons
- 60 minutes – £40
- 45 minutes – £30
- 30 minutes – £20
Financial assistance
A means tested bursary scheme is in place. If you would like to apply for bursary funding please complete this form by clicking here or speak with the Head of Centre, Kate Llewellyn for more information.
We regret it is not possible to give refunds in the event of a student’s absence as the Centre has to continue paying professional tutors and overheads. SCYM expects as close to 100% attendance as possible, as the best progress is made by students if they commit to the long-term weekly training. Once a student is established on the courses at SCYM, after a trial period of two weeks, a half term’s notice, by email, is required to stop attending. This notice period is required so the Centre can fulfil its obligations to the professional tutors and pay for the facilities, and to ensure a proper commitment is made by the young musicians attending. The students get the best of the Centre and out of themselves if they commit to attending every Saturday in term time, so there is no ‘drop-in’ option or fortnightly attendance option. Thank you for your understanding.